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The Washington Post story cites "people" familiar with Twitter deal talks still saying Elon is threatening to pull out of the deal over Twitter bots. No news, really. My view, as I have written in several reports here (enjoy!), is that Elon signed a binding agreement he can't just dismiss because he's got cold feet. He must prove Twitter's bot problem is egregiously and materially larger versus its years of SEC disclosure—unlikely, especially since he himself has complained about it so was certainly aware. I continue to believe Elon is panicking and lashing out with severe buyers remorse, he is trapped in a deal he can't break, he has driven away white knights who could chip in cash he desperately needs, and funding his mammoth cash raise to pay for the deal will slash his greatly diminished Tesla wealth. All he can try to do now is delay, delay, delay and try to get Twitter to let him out with a fat break up fee—which they have no reason to do.

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